还记得那个“冰桶挑战赛”吗?现在美国一个军事服务组织 —— The USO要搞一个新的明星传递活动 —— “Flex 4 Forces”。女明星Jessica Biel响应号召,在自己的推特上传了肌肉照,并挑战了巨石强森,强森也不例外,很快的回应了她,而强森挑战的人是 —— “星爵”Chris Pratt。

Chris Pratt不仅回应了,还巴拉巴拉的写了一大堆:

Thank you to @therock for nominating me for the #flex4forces challenge and introducing me to "Jack and Sledge Hammer," (his arms)

The Rock's not the only one who names his guns by the way. Allow me to introduce you to my left arm, Melissa. She's less of a blunt force tool and more of an emotionally supportive friend. Anyways. #flexforforces @theuso now it's my turn to challenge somebody. I choose @davebautista Give 'em hell #drax It's for a good cause: to raise awareness for @theuso which is an awesome organization. And by the way... That's a wrap on #jurassicworld

他挑战的人,是《银河护卫队》中的老伙计 —— 德拉克斯 —— Dave Bautista。



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